The freedom that lies within
The word of the moment is Freedom. How do you navigate the inner spaces, your outer life, in order to experience a life without the grief, the struggle, the depression? Finding that inner freedom is something we can relate to as we all know the turmoil that can keep us stuck. It can show up in relationships not playing out in the way we’d hoped, or jobs being lost, financial worries, and of course, the sense that your life is being controlled on the outside by other forces that don’t allow you to travel or be with people you want to be with or do what you want to do.
I recently watched the Disney movie “Soul” and rewatched the Marvel movie “Dr. Strange.” What they both speak to in these films is the physical body that you can see, but then the astral body that moves outside of you that you can’t. I love how these ideas are becoming more the normal and are introducing us to how this all really works. People have often connected with their higher selves or reached these other dimensions through drugs or hypnosis, and what they find with this connection wants them going back for more. The key, and the ability that we all have, is being able to do this while being fully awake and present in your body. The new Light flooding the planet is allowing us all to tap into these unseen but very real dimensions, and the freedom within, with such greater clarity and ease like never before. This is what it means to become multidimensional, and we have never had the capacity to do this in human form until now.
I was reminded by Spirit of what I had written in my book around being able to navigate life with more ease and grace by having a bigger inner boat to navigate the waves of life. The waves will always be there, and there will be the occasional storm that is huge and can pull you under. But the more you create that space within yourself, create that bigger boat, the more you get to ride the waves and not be pulled under. And then your energy can be used to co-create with life instead of just trying to manage it. You make quantum leaps and shift timelines and play in the realms outside of space and time, and this is where things can get really fun.
What can this freedom look like? For me, it can show up in the smallest of ways. I go to the grocery store and five shelves of flour are empty, but there will be one bag sitting there of exactly the kind I want. I go to the bank and there is no line, and when I go to leave there are five people waiting behind me. I make a call to an institution where I am expected to wait hours to get through, and I reach someone in fifteen minutes. It can show up in bigger ways like creating a TEDx talk. Flow. Ease. Grace.
We all have this power and capability. Each of us are able to manage our worlds that allows for this freedom within and without. And it all comes down to your willingness to connect to your soul, to your heart, to the Love that you are. Life is always leading you to move and breathe from here. Are you willing to listen? To trust? To act from this space and place?
The shift that began last year in 2020 is continuing and the energy is getting grounded in layers. This is a process. For me personally, since the Great Conjunction in December, my head feels like it is being split apart as my brain becomes multidimensional, and I am parenting myself through it by resting, breathing, exercise, and nature. I prepared well for the shift all last year and am anchoring the energy for the collective as well. I know I am a pioneer and wayshower for bringing in these new dimensions. This sh@# ain’t easy, and it’s an honor. Truly. I am grounded and on Earth in a way that I have never been before, and the freedom I have within is more than I have ever experienced. My coaching for my clients has always been of the other dimension and now so even more, and they often “hear” or feel me even when we are not together. Thank you astral body…
And so we continue on into these next spaces and dimensions and awarenesses as the New Year progresses. Even if you can’t feel it, know that the Light that is flooding the planet is affecting you in unseen ways, opening your heart, and creating more opportunities for you to step into this freedom of living even more. We as a collective created higher outcomes last year for all, and I am so proud of us. Let’s continue to hold the Light as this year will continue to show us more of what is not working for all and how we can use our new abilities to create a world that does just that. In the meantime, I’ll meet you in the Field of Light, Love, and infinite possibilities of freedom.
Much love, many blessings. xo